Sun was setting down. Those magical colours where blinding. I wanted this moment to last forever. She was smiling, but tears where coming from her eyes. I remember their salty taste. My heart was beating faster than usual. I did not know what to say. Summer was over. Our last night. We knew that we will probably never see each other again, but no one wanted to believe in that. We were happy and lost. Lost in this sunset forever.


浊黄灯光使脑子发晕,黯蓝夜色像海水一样覆在上空。不窄车道另一边亮着灯,有门或许还有窗的水泥建筑,熟悉又逾常陌生。一个少妇走来停在脚前: “你是不是,上劲儿子?”…

foggy mountain during daytime


站在阴沉新年里,奶奶告诉我家里来了一只大怪兽。 大脑袋电视机,灰太狼被一炮轰上天:“喜羊羊我一定会回来哒!”飞转消失插入片尾曲。播放广告奶奶告诉我他们快到家了。…