配合2023年国际母语日,国际笔会(PEN INTERNATIONAL)的翻译及语言权利委员会将会举办视频诗歌马拉松,现征集视频诗,呼吁大家积极参加!
视频诗歌将从2月21日(国际母语日)至3月21日(国际诗歌日)一整个月内推出。去年大会收到了超过 45 首诗,(不确定有没有中文,官方发布的视频里没见到)请确保中文在今年出现!
有意参加者,请在录制视频前发邮件至 pen.tlrc@gmail.com,先和主办单位取得联系以说明最终细节。大会的目标是让诗人、文学和语言可见,所以每种语言只要求一首诗/诗人,会优先考虑那些没有参加 2022 年的语言和笔会中心。
The Translation and Linguistic Rights Committee of PEN International is organizing a new video-poem marathon for International Mother Language Day 2023. The poems will be launched during a whole month, starting from February 21st (International Mother Language Day) until March 21st (International Poetry Day).
Last year we gathered more than 45 poems from every continent, with humble but very powerful recordings. This is a small activity, but important to make visible linguistic communities and their literatures, so neglected very often.
Our proposal to participants, PEN centres, and other literary and linguistic associations that might be interested, is to film a short poem (max. two minutes) read by the author in the original indigenous language, without translation. Together with the video file, we will also ask for a written version of the poem in the original language with a translation in at least one of the official languages of PEN International (English, French or Spanish; much better if it is in all of the 3 languages, of course).
The video can be filmed with a cell phone or a webcam (horizontally, please, no vertical filming!), but please check if the sound is good: we want to hear the sound of your language, too!
Those willing to participate, please send us an email to pen.tlrc@gmail.com BEFORE recording the video, so that we can get in contact and explain the final details. Please remember that the aim is to make poets, literatures, and languages visible, so we just request one poem/poet per language, giving priority to those languages and centres that did not participate in 2022.
The deadline to participate in the project is February 1st, 2023.